Length: 11 to 13 inches | Wingspan: 17 to 19 inches | Seasonality: Summer / All Seasons |
ID Keys: Pale yellow eyes, bronze body with dark bluish head, slightly iridescent sheen |
A very common summer
resident, often found in residential areas, the Common Grackle can often be
heard singing its harsh, grating song from treetops and roofs. They often
nest in small colonies, and can form huge mixed flocks with other blackbirds in
the fall and winter. They are the smallest of the three Grackle
species found in the U.S. The larger
Great-tailed Grackle is found in the
Great Plains and the southwestern U.S. and has recently expanded their range
into South Dakota, while the larger
Boat-tailed Grackle is found near the Gulf and Atlantic coasts and is not
found in South Dakota.
Farmland, towns, woodlands, marshes, shelterbelts. Prefers dense tree cover next to open spaces for nesting.
Omnivorous. Eats seeds, waste grain, fruits and berries, insects, crustaceans, earthworms, frogs, and small rodents. They will also raid nests for eggs and young birds.
Does a great deal of foraging by walking along the ground. Will also forage low in bushes, forest undergrowth, and sometimes higher in the forest canopy. Gregarious, often foraging in large flocks outside of the breeding season.
May through July in South Dakota. Common Grackles typically nest in relatively small, loose colonies. The nest is a cup of grasses, weeds and twigs, placed in the branches of a dense tree or shrub, or sometimes in a tree cavity or cavity in a man-made structure. The female lays 4 or 5 eggs, and she alone incubates them. Upon hatching, both parents feed the young. The young leave the nest after about 15 to 20 days.
Common Grackles have a highly variable repertoire, with a variety of squeaks, rattles, and croaking sounds.
Winters in southeastern U.S., but may overwinter in southern parts of the state.
Click here for an interactive eBird map of Common Grackle sightings
Similar to some other grackle species, and could potentially be confused with some blackbird species if not seen well.
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Great-tailed Grackle | Great-tailed Grackle | Boat-tailed Grackle | Brewer's Blackbird |
Will attend feeders for various seeds, bread crumbs, and suet.
Generally common and widespread in many areas, with a broad geographic range. However, records in recent decades have shown sharp declines (although the rate of decline has slowed considerably recently). Populations are still strong however, and the species is under no serious threat at this time. The IUCN lists the Common Grackle as a species of "Least Concern".
May 2nd, 2020 -- Brandon, South Dakota -- Terry Sohl
Click on the image chips or text links below for additional, higher-resolution Common Grackle photos.
Click on the map below for a higher-resolution view |
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South Dakota Status: Common summer resident throughout the state. Rare in winter, primarily in the southeastern part of the state. |