Species Pages References

A very large array of reference materials were used to help in the construction of the individual species information pages.  Much of the information regarding birds found in South Dakota includes my own experiences and material gleaned from conversations with other birders in the state.  References below include the majority of references sources for information on the individual species pages.


Tallman, Dan A., D.L. Swanson, and J.S. Palmer, eds. 2002.  Birds of South Dakota, The South Dakota Ornithologist's Union. Aberdeen, South Dakota: Midstates/Quality Quick Print Press. 

NOTE: This book is a MUST HAVE if you are interested in birds and birding within South Dakota.  It does a great job of detailing locations and dates of sightings for all species that have been found in South Dakota


USGS Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter, 2002-2007.  htttp://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/framlst.html.  Accessed 2002-present.

NOTE: Basic information for bird species in the United States.  In addition to identification keys, the site also has available Breeding Bird Survey information, and Christmas Bird Count maps.


Kaufman, K. 1996.  Lives of North American Birds.  New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.

NOTE: Definitely my favorite bird book!!!.  It provides just what the title suggests...details on how each North American species lives.  It really is a wonderful book for someone interested in the varied lives of North American birds.


Alsop III, F.J., 2001.  Smithsonian Handbooks: Birds of North America.  New York: DK Publishing.

NOTE: A rather thick book, with one entire page per species. It's kind of a mix between a field guide and a life description book, with some details on the birds' lives, and also photos, a few very simple illustrations, and identification keys.


Sibley, D.A.,  2000.  National Audubon Society - The Sibley Guide to Birds. New York: Chanticleer Press Inc.

NOTE: This is probably the most widely used field guide in the United States.  David Sibley wrote and illustrated the guide, and typically shows many plumage variations for each species, depending upon season and age.  When I first started birding, I preferred a guide with actual photos rather than necessarily generalized illustrations or paintings.  However, The Sibley Guide does such a great job in highlighting identification marks that it truly is a must-have book for the birder in the field.


Kaufman, K., 2000.  Kaufman Focus Guides - Birds of North America.  New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.

NOTE: A small, very handy guide for the field.  It uses photographs instead of illustrations, but tends to have fewer plumage variations than the Sibley's guide.  A small quirk is that birds are in a different order than the standard family order that Sibley and most other guides use. 


InfoNatura: Birds, mammals, and amphibians of Latin America [web application]. 2004. Version 4.1 . Arlington, Virginia (USA): NatureServe. Available: http://www.natureserve.org/infonatura.

NOTE: A wonderful website with extremely detailed information for not only birds, but also other animals in North America.  They provide free digital datasets on ranges for all Western Hemisphere birds, data that were used for the range maps found on the species pages.  I discovered this site several years after starting my website, so at this stage, range maps are the only information I've used from the site.


Birdweb.org - Site of the Seattle Audubon Society - http://www.birdweb.org

NOTE: I LOVE this site!!  This site does a truly wonderful job providing information about the birds that have been seen in the state of Washington.  It's definitely one of the top regional birding sites in my book.


BirdLife International - http://www.birdlife.org/

NOTE: As stated by the organization - "BirdLife International is a Partnership of 117 national conservation organisations and the world leader in bird conservation. BirdLife’s unique local to global approach enables it to deliver high impact and long term conservation for the benefit of nature and people."  Terrific website to browse for folks interested in birds, and bird conservation.


Cornell Lab of Ornithology: All About Birds. 2006-2007.  http://www.birds.cornell.edu/AllAboutBirds/BirdGuide/ (Accessed 2006 - present).

NOTE: An extremely nice website with information on nearly all North American bird species.  The website usually has both a nice collection of photos and sounds for each species.



Wikipedia! - Wikipedia.com - Well, god knows you can find information on just about anything on Wikipedia!  And, that information generally includes individual, informational pages for all of the bird species shown on this website.  The nice thing about Wikipedia is that it often sets  you off on a chase for additional information, through the provided additional links. 





Please mail any comments/suggestions/additional links for this page to: Terry L. Sohl


This page was last edited on 03/01/25