Brown-headed Nuthatch is a small nuthatch of pine forests in the
Southeastern United States. They are the ecological counterpart to the
Pygmy Nuthatch, found in the Western
United States, and are very similar in overall appearance. When
foraging, they can often be seen flying up to the mid-level of a tree,
working down the trunk head-first as they search for insects, and then
repeating the process with a nearby tree.
Habitat: Found in open pine forests of the
southeastern U.S., or areas of pine mixed with deciduous trees.
Diet: Feeds on insects and spiders year-round when
available. Will also feed on seeds, mostly seeds of pine trees, especially
in the winter time.
Behavior: Forages by climbing over the trunk and
major branches of trees, mostly pine trees, searching for insects.
They also sometimes will fly out to capture insects in mid-air.
Nesting: The nest of a Brown-headed Nuthatch is a
cavity in a dead tree, usually a pine, but they will also sometimes
use deciduous trees, or even fence posts and telephone poles. They
will use existing cavities built by other species, or will excavate their
own, with both the male and female helping. The nesting cavity is
filled with softer vegetative material such as grasses, feathers, and animal
hair. The female lays between 4 and 6 eggs, with the female incubating
them while the male brings her food. When the eggs hatch, both parents
help to feed the young, who leave the nest after about two and a half weeks.
Song: Call is a crisp Kew-dee followed by
a lower-pitched series of nasal-sounding notes.
Migration: Considered a permanent resident
throughout their range. On rare occasions small numbers may wander
north of their normal range.
Similar Species: Most similar to the
Pygmy Nuthatch, but the ranges of
those two species do not overlap. Other nuthatch species (White-breasted
Nuthatch, Red-breasted Nuthatch)
are also similar in structure, but plumage differences are obvious.