NOTE: Two species on this page are close relatives, the Indigo
Bunting and the Lazuli Bunting. The Indigo Bunting is a bird of eastern
U.S. deciduous forests, while the Lazuli Bunting is a bird of brushy clearings
and woodland edges of the western U.S. South Dakota lies in a primary area
of range overlap between the two species, and the two species do often hybridize
in this part of the country. Characteristics of hybrids are variable,
sharing some characteristics of both parents.
The Blue Grosbeak can be confused with the Indigo Bunting, as both share overall
blue bodies with darker wings and tail. However, the Blue Grosbeak has
prominent rusty wing-bars, a much larger and heavier beak, is larger in size,
and is found in more open habitats than Indigo Buntings.
Note this page is devoted to males of the species. Females and immatures
can be very difficult to tell apart for Indigo Buntings and Lazuli Buntings. |
Blue Grosbeak |
Indigo Bunting |
Guiraca caerulea |
Passerina cyanea |


Height: 6.75 inches |
Height: 5.5 inches |
Wingspan: 11 inches |
Wingspan: 8 inches |
Body: Dark blue body and head, blackish wings and tail |
Body: Bright blue body with blackish wings and tail |
Wings: Blackish wings with prominent rusty wingbars |
Wings: Blue wing coverts, but no wingbars |
Bill: Large, heavy bill |
Bill: Smaller than Blue Grosbeak |
Habitat: Found in open areas with nearby brush and trees |
Habitat: Deciduous Forest |
South Dakota Status: Uncommon migrant and summer resident,
primarily in southern part of the state. |
South Dakota Status: Common migrant and summer resident in the
southeastern part of the state, uncommon elsewhere. |
Lazuli Bunting |
Lazuli x Indigo Bunting Hybrid |
Passerina amoena |


Height: 5.5 inches |
Height: 5.5 inches |
Wingspan: 8 inches |
Wingspan: 8 inches |
Body: Blue upperparts, head, and throat. White underparts with
rusty upper-chest. |
Body: Variable, often bluish above with mottled white in
underparts |
Wings: Dark with 2 white wing-bars, blue coverts. |
Wings: Variable |
Bill: Smaller bill than Blue Grosbeak, slightly smaller than
Indigo Bunting |
Bill: Smaller bill than Blue Grosbeak |
Habitat: Found in open woodlands, brushy areas, and forest
edges. |
Habitat: Woodland edges, forest, brushy areas |
South Dakota Status: Uncommon migrant and summer resident in
the western part of the state, accidental in the east. |
South Dakota Status: South Dakota lies where ranges of the two
species overlap, making it a prime location for potential hybridization. |