Worthen's Sparrow was first described by a bird found near Silver City, New
Mexico in 1884. Since that time, it has never again been found in the
United States. The Worthen's Sparrow is now one of the rarest birds in
the world, with a tiny range in northeastern Mexico that is no more than 25
square kilometers. Population estimates vary but there are likely no
more than 500 individual birds left, at best, with most estimates putting
the total population as less than 150. They have been recorded as
occurring in eight different Mexican states, but their range has shrunk to
the point that they are only found in a handful of locations in southeastern
Coahuila and western Nuevo Leon. Habitat loss has been implicated as
the primary cause of the species decline. Conversion of grassland to
agriculture, and heavy grazing are primary causes of habitat loss and
disturbance at nesting sites.
Habitat: Habitat requirements still are not
totally understood. They are found in arid grasslands with scattered
shrubs. A clue to preferred habitats comes from a location in Caohuila,
where a fence divides different land management areas. The birds
strongly prefer the area managed as a natural pasture, with taller grasses
and scattered shrubs, as opposed to the overgrazed side with very low
grasses. Overall, breeding has primarily been noted in grasslands with
scattered mesquite, juniper, and/or yucca.
Diet: Feeds heavily on seeds, also likely feeds on
insects and spiders.
Behavior: Gregarious after the breeding season,
forming into flocks that typically reside near permanent water bodies.
Nesting: Poorly understood. Recorded nests have
had 3 to 5 eggs, with nests placed low in bushes.
Song: The song is a vaguely musical trilling of a
few seconds.
Migration: Considered a permanent resident.
However, birds do form into flocks outside of the breeding season and
typically move to areas with adequate foraging opportunities, and a
permanent water source nearby.
Similar Species:
Most similar in appearance to the Field
Conservation Status: Populations of Worthen's
Sparrows are now only found in 3 distinct sites, all very close to each
other. The total range of the bird has continually declined, as has
overall populations.
The IUCN lists the
Worthen's Sparrow as "Endangered". They are considered
"regionally extinct" in the United States, as well as in some states in
Mexico where they were formerly found.