The mature White Ibis is
easily distinguished from other Ibis, thanks to its stark all-white
plumage. Generally a bird found near the coastlines in the Southeastern
United States, strays do occasionally wander well north of the normal breeding
range. It remains an extremely rare visitor to South Dakota,
however. While they often feed in wetland environments, they also often
will forage on manicured lawns in the Southeast, searching for large insects.
Habitat: Uses nearly any shallow water habitat, both freshwater
and saltwater. Generally found near the Gulf and Eastern U.S. coasts,
Diet: Eats large numbers of
crustaceans, including crabs in salt water and crawfish in fresh water.
They also feed heavily on fish, frogs, snails, and insects. They will
also sometimes eat other small vertebrates like snakes or small rodents.
Behavior: Forages both in the water and on land.
In shallow water, wades slowly, probing with its bill in the mud below the
water, or by sweeping its bill from side to side, grabbing food when it is
felt with the bill.
Nesting: Non-breeder in South Dakota. In
breeding range, White Ibis are colonial nesters, with nesting colonies often
including other wading bird species as well. The nest is a platform of
sticks, placed relatively low in a tree or thicket (between 3 and 15 feet
off the ground). The female usually lays 2 or 3 eggs, and both parents
help to incubate them. When the eggs hatch, both parents feed the
young by regurgitating prey. The young usually fledge at around 6
Song: Hunk-hunk-hunk by male during courtship.
Migration: Generally a permanent resident throughout its range, but some of the more
northerly birds do move south in the fall. Strays do occasionally move
well inland during the breeding season.
Similar Species: Juveniles are similar to Glossy Ibis
and White-faced Ibis.
Conservation Status: Overall range is increasing,
but local populations have suffered a dramatic decline, especially in
Florida. The IUCN
lists the White Ibis as a species of "Least Concern".
AudubonGuide - White Ibis
3) - White Ibis
Photo Information: December 10th, 2012 -
Everglades National Park in Florida - Terry Sohl