Thick-billed Murre is a large Auk found along both the Atlantic and Pacific
Coasts of North America. They are cold-water birds, breeding in
northern Canada and Alaska, and only found near the lower 48 states during
the winter months. They are very similar to the
Common Murre, and are often found
nesting in the same locations. They can be distinguished from Common
Murres by their stockier appearance, thicker neck, and shorter and stouter
Habitat: Found on rocky islands or shorelines,
using areas with steep rocky cliffs and ledges for nest sites. Outside
of breeding, they are found in cold waters, often very far from shore.
Diet: Feeds mostly on fish, but will also eat
crustaceans, squid, and marine worms.
Behavior: Forages by diving and swimming
underwater after prey. They can dive to depths of up to 200 feet.
Nesting: The Thick-billed Murre doesn't build a
nest. The female lays a single egg directly on the ground, usually on
a rocky ledge of a cliff face. Both the male and female help to
incubate the egg, and both parents help to feed and raise the nestling after
it hatches.
Song: On breeding grounds, has a groaning,
startling aaarrrrrrrr call. Usually silent away from breeding
Migration: Birds can be found as far north as open
water exists during the winter, although some birds do move southward.
There is more movement southward for the winter in Atlantic populations than
in Pacific populations.
Conservation Status: Populations of Thick-billed
Murre are widespread, they are common in many areas, and populations appear
to be stable overall, or possibly increasing.
The IUCN lists the
Thick-billed Murre as a species of "Least Concern".