Length: 18 inches | Wingspan: 40 inches | Seasonality: Non-resident in South Dakota |
ID Keys: Dark eyes, spotted belly and flanks, dark brown upperparts |
Spotted Owl is a bird of the western U.S. and Mexico with three distinct
populations. The "Mexican Spotted Owl" is found in the desert
southwest of the U.S. and in northern and central Mexico. The
"California Spotted Owl" is found in California. The "Northern Spotted
Owl" is found from northern California through southern British Columbia.
There are minor plumage and size differences between the subspecies, The
Northern Spotted Owl is the darkest overall and has relatively small white
spots. The California Spotted Owl is lighter in color, and has larger
white spots. The Mexican Spotted Owl is smaller than the other two
subspecies, and has the largest white spots.
All three subspecies have declined in number, but it is the Northern Spotted Owl that has declined the most. They are considered endangered in Canada and Threatened in the U.S. Conservation efforts focused on the Northern Spotted Owl have caused significant controversy in the Pacific Northwest. The Northern Spotted Owl requires large tracts of old-growth forest, a type of forest land that is extremely valuable for commercial timber companies. After multiple reviews by U.S. Fish and Wildlife, the Northern Spotted Owl was listed as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act in 1990. Conservation planning to preserve the species culminated in the 1994 Northwest Forest Plan, which greatly restricted forest cutting in old-growth forests of the Pacific Northwest.
However, despite significant reductions in forest cutting and preservation of remaining old-growth forests, the species continues to sharply decline. Old growth forest in the Pacific Northwest is still much lower than it was historically, and continued forest cutting occurs in the region, mostly on private lands. Northern Spotted Owls have also been subject to increased competition with Barred Owls, which have begun to expand their range into the core range of the Northern Spotted Owl. Controversy continues as plans for protecting the species continue to shift. During the Bush administration, in 2007, the Fish and Wildlife Service announced plans to shift the focus of Northern Spotted Owl conservation from habitat protection, to "containment" of the Barred Owl. With the new focus, the FWS also announced plans to reduce habitat protection for the species by 1.5 million acres, which would have resulted in a loss of almost 1/4th of the species core habitat area. Numerous scientific studies and reviews of the proposed changes resulted in a challenge to the proposed changes, with indications that political pressure to open up more forest for logging were weighed more heavily than the actual science behind conserving the species. When the Obama administration took over, they overturned the decision to increase logging on many public lands. Multiple conservation proposals continue to be discussed, and the controversy over protection measures for the species continues to this day.
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South Dakota Status: Non-resident in South Dakota |