Length: 13 inches | Wingspan: 18 inches | Seasonality: Summer / Migrant |
ID Keys: Dark back and tail, white underparts with buffy streaks, buff head and neck, black crown. |
A shy, secretive bird of dense weedy marshes and sloughs, and one of the smallest of the world's herons. Rather than wading like most of the herons, the Least Bittern uses its long toes to clamber around emergent wetland vegetation, just above the water's surface. The Least Bittern is one of multiple similar species to "freeze" when startled, raising its head and swaying back and forth in an attempt to blend in with the swaying marsh vegetation.
2) Audubon Guide - Least Bittern
3) Whatbird.com: Least Bittern
Click on the map below for a higher-resolution view |
South Dakota Status: Uncommon summer breeding resident and migrant in the east. Rare in the west. |