Gray Partridge is native to Eurasia but was introduced into North America in
the early 1900's as a game bird. They have become well established,
and can be found through much of the upper Great Plains and parts of the
West. The agricultural lands of eastern South Dakota are an ideal
habitat, providing shelter along fencerows and other brushy areas and also a
readily available winter food source in waste grain.
Habitat: Does
well in agricultural land where fencerows and other thicker cover are
available. Stubble fields of grain crops are a favorite location during
the winter months. Can also be found in pastures and grasslands.
Diet: Feeds heavily on seeds and grain, relying
heavily on waste grain (corn, sunflowers, wheat) during the winter.
Also feeds on insects during the summer months, and green leaves, shoots,
and buds.
Behavior: Primarily forages on the ground,
although will also take insects and seeds from standing vegetation.
They are usually found in small groups, but can be found singly or in pairs
early in the breeding season in spring.
Nesting: May through July
Song: Low harsh kyerr-r-reck
Migration: Generally non-migratory, although with
some local movement.
Similar Species: Chukar
Conservation Status: Still widespread and common in much of their normal range, but with numbers
probably below historical highs from the middle of the 20th century.
Audubon Guide - Gray Partridge
BirdWeb - Gray Partridge
Photo Information: June 10th, 2008 - Minnehaha
County, South Dakota - Terry Sohl
Additional Photos: Click on the image chips or
text links below for additional, higher-resolution Gray Partridge photos.