Length: 7 inches | Wingspan: 11 inches | Seasonality: Non-resident in South Dakota |
ID Keys: Black crown, brownish-gray upperparts, gray underparts with slight yellowish tinge on undertail coverts, blackish lores, gray supercillium stripe |
Crowned Slaty Flycatcher is a small flycatcher species normally found in
South America. They are migratory and a handful of cases have occurred
where birds have appeared far out of normal range. In the North
American ABA area, they are known from a single sighting, when a bird was
found in southern Louisiana in 2008. Paul Conover and Buford Myers
found the bird, knew it was a one-of-a-kind specimen, and, sadly, decided to
"collect" the bird, supposedly for "study". The bird is now on display
at the Louisiana State Museum of Natural Science. The killing of the only
bird of its kind to ever find its way to North America raised considerable
ire among the birding and conservation community. The two men who saw
it never provided any opportunity for any one else to enjoy the bird's
presence, and given that it is a common species in South America and much is
known about it, "collecting" it for study is, at best, QUESTIONABLE!!! (Pardon
the editorial, but this case really irritates me).
Click below for a higher-resolution map |
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South Dakota Status: Non-resident in South Dakota |