Black-browed Albatross is a moderately sized albatross of the southern
oceans. They can be found throughout the southern hemisphere, but a
majority of breeding birds are found on a few select islands in the south
Atlantic (Falkands, South Georgia). They are rare vagrants north of
the equator, but there have been more than 20 sightings of the species off
the east coast of the United States.
Habitat: For breeding, prefers islands with grassy
slopes, but also will utilize flat lands and rocky ledges for nesting.
Outside of the breeding season, they are pelagic, typically found far from
Diet: Feeds on fish, squid, crustaceans, octopus,
and other marine creatures.
Behavior: Most foraging is done by sitting on the
ocean's surface and reaching down to grab food items when spotted. They also
will sometimes submerge to grab prey, and will occasionally dive from flight
to reach deeper prey.
Nesting: The nest is a mound of mud and moss,
typically placed on a grassy slope on breeding islands. The female
lays one egg, which is incubated by both parents. The chick hatches after a
2-month incubation period. Both the male and female tend to and feed
the chick.
Song: Usually silent when at sea.
Migration: Breeds in large colonies, with the
Falkland Islands and South Georgia Island in the south Atlantic hosting 80%
of the world's breeding pairs. Breeding also occurs on islands in the
southern Indian Ocean and southern Pacific Ocean. In other seasons,
roams widely in the southern oceans, only occasionally being found north of
the equator.
Similar Species:
As a vagrant near North America, they are most likely to be confused with
the Short-tailed Albatross and
Laysan Albatross.
Conservation Status: Populations of Black-browed
Albatross have plummeted in recent decades. Longline fishing has
severely impacted many albatross species, but the Black-browed Albatross is
one of the most common victim of longline fishing in many areas.
IUCN lists the Black-browed Albatross as "Endangered".