Length: 8.5 inches | Wingspan: 21 inches | Seasonality: Non-resident in South Dakota |
ID Keys: Mottled gray, with buffy patches on wing coverts and belly, barring below |
The Antillean Nighthawk and the Common Nighthawk were once considered one species before being split. The Antillean Nighthawk has a buffier tone on its underparts, as well as other minor plumage differences, and has a distinctly different voice. While Common Nighthawks are widely spread across North America, the Antillean Nighthawk is just a summer visitors to the Florida Keys and parts of southern Florida, with only very rare sightings outside of that range in North America. They are actually relative new comers to North America, with the first sighting in Florida occurring in 1941. It is thought that clearing of land in the Florida Keys and in parts of Southern Florida provided more open ground for nesting for the species, and provided an opportunity for range expansion.
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South Dakota Status: Non-resident in South Dakota |