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Grey Teal Photos

Anas gracilis

A pretty common, deceptively plain duck we saw in several places. They do have a really beautiful feather pattern though, and a red eye that just pops when you see it.

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Grey Teal - Anas gracilis

Click on photos below for a higher-resolution view

Grey Teal 1 - Anas gracilis Grey Teal 2 - Anas gracilis Grey Teal 3 - Anas gracilis

June 12th, 2019
Centennial Park in Sydney

June 12th, 2019
Centennial Park in Sydney

June 12th, 2019
Centennial Park in Sydney

Grey Teal 4 - Anas gracilis Grey Teal 5 - Anas gracilis  

June 12th, 2019
Centennial Park in Sydney

June 12th, 2019
Centennial Park in Sydney



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