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Dusky Myzomela (Honeyeater) Photos

Myzomela obscura

When staying near the Canopy Rainforest Treehouses near Tarzali, I got my only glimpse of this species, the Dusky Myzomela (often called the Dusky Honeyeater). It was moving through the mid-levels of the rainforest canopy, moving in one general direction when it went past our deck. Unlike a few other honeyeaters, this one showed no interest in the fruit I was offering at the feeder. Obviously doesn't have the brilliant colors of some of the other honeyeaters, but I think this is SUCH a beautiful bird with those rich, warm brown tones.

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Dusky Honeyeater (Myzomela) 4 - Myzomela obscura 

Click on photos below for a higher-resolution view

Dusky Honeyeater (Myzomela) 1 - Myzomela obscura Dusky Honeyeater (Myzomela) 2 - Myzomela obscura Dusky Honeyeater (Myzomela) 3 - Myzomela obscura

June 9th, 2019
Near Tarzali, Australia

June 9th, 2019
Near Tarzali, Australia

June 9th, 2019
Near Tarzali, Australia

Dusky Honeyeater (Myzomela) 4 - Myzomela obscura    

June 9th, 2019
Near Tarzali, Australia



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