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Australian Wood Duck (Maned Duck) Photos

Chenonetta jubata

One of the most common and widespread waterfowl we saw, the Australian Wood Duck (also known as the Maned Duck). They were strolling around dryland parks in Sydney, parks and associated ponds, as well as more wild habitat throughout the areas we visited. Cute little things with their tame "expression" and stubby little beaks, plus the "mane".

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Australian Wood Duck - Chenonetta jubata

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Australian Wood Duck 1 - Chenonetta jubata Australian Wood Duck 2 - Chenonetta jubata Australian Wood Duck 3 - Chenonetta jubata

May 29th 2019
Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney

June 12th, 2019
Centennial Park in Sydney

June 12th, 2019
Centennial Park in Sydney

Australian Wood Duck 4 - Chenonetta jubata    

June 12th, 2019
Centennial Park in Sydney



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