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Australasian Pipit Photos

Anthus novaeseelandiae

A species I didn't know existed until I saw it, but one that I also immediately recognized! Pipit!  We were visiting Bongil Bongil National Park south of Coffs Harbour, when I saw it foraging in the open grass near the shoreline. Given both it's appearance and behavior, it immediately reminded me of an American Pipit, so it wasn't a surprise later when I looked the name up that it was basically the Australian equivalent!

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Australasian Pipit - Anthus novaeseelandiae

Click on photos below for a higher-resolution view

Australasian Pipit 1 -  Anthus novaeseelandiae Australasian Pipit 2 - Anthus novaeseelandiae Australasian Pipit 3 - Anthus novaeseelandiae

June 12th, 2019
Centennial Park in Sydney

June 12th, 2019
Centennial Park in Sydney

June 12th, 2019
Centennial Park in Sydney

Australasian Pipit 4 - Anthus novaeseelandiae    

June 12th, 2019
Centennial Park in Sydney



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