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Dickcissel Photos

Photography by Terry Sohl

My Favorite: One of the most recognizable sounds when driving on a country road on a summer day in South Dakota...the chirping song of a Dickcissel.  They're very common in many parts of the state, including here in eastern South Dakota where much of the "habitat" is limited to corn and soybean fields.  The photo below was taken on May 28th, 2018 in Minnehaha County, South Dakota, and perfectly represents a Dickcissel in my mind...a small, colorful, charismatic bird, singing his heart out from the top of a high perch.

Dickcissel - Spiza americana

Dickcissel 1 - Spiza americana 

Dickcissel 2 - Spiza americana

Dickcissel 3 - Spiza americana

Dickcissel 4 - Spiza americana

Dickcissel 1

Dickcissel 2

Dickcissel 3

Dickcissel 4

July 11th, 2009

June 5th, 2006 

June 5th, 2005 

June 5th, 2005 

Lyman County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Bird singing from end of dead branch 

Bird posing on top of dead branch

Vertical of bird on top of old fence post 

Dickcissel clinging to an old weed stem 

Dickcissel 5 - Spiza americana

Dickcissel 6 - Spiza americana

Dickcissel 7 - Spiza americana

Dickcissel 8 - Spiza americana 

 Dickcissel 5

Dickcissel 6

Dickcissel 7

Dickcissel 8

June 5th, 2005 

June 5th, 2006 

June 5th, 2006

July 31st, 2008 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Bird perched on an old weed stem 

Unusual pose at top of a dead tree branch 

Profile from top of a dead tree branch 

Sunny day profile on top of a dead tree branch 

Dickcissel 9 - Spiza americana 

Dickcissel 10 - Spiza americana 

Dickcissel 11 - Spiza americana 

Dickcissel 12 - Spiza americana 

Dickcissel 9

Dickcissel 10

Dickcissel 11

Dickcissel 12

July 31st, 2008 

July 31st, 2008 

July 11th, 2009

July 11th, 2009 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Fort Pierre National Grasslands, S. Dakota 

Fort Pierre National Grasslands, S. Dakota 

Vertical of bird on top of a dead branch 

Profile of a bird on the top of a dead branch 

Dickcissel singing its heart out on a branch 

Dickcissel perched on a branch 

Dickcissel 13 - Spiza americana 

Dickcissel 14 - Spiza americana 

Dickcissel 15 - Spiza americana

Dickcissel 16 - Spiza americana

Dickcissel 13

Dickcissel 14

Dickcissel 15

Dickcissel 16

May 28th, 2010 

August 17th, 2013 

May 28th, 2018 

June 7th, 2020 

Good Earth State Park, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Bird perched in wildflower 

Dickcissel perched on top of small willow

Vertical of bird singing on top of a bush 

Dickcissel singing from top of an old fence post 

Dickcissel 17 - Spiza americana 

Dickcissel 18 - Spiza americana

Dickcissel 19 - Spiza americana 

Dickcissel 20 - Spiza americana 

Dickcissel 17

Dickcissel 18

Dickcissel 19

Dickcissel 20

June 7th, 2020 

June 7th, 2020 

June 7th, 2020 

June 7th, 2020 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Dickcissel singing from a barbed wire fence 

Bird perched on a barbed wire fence 

Bird perched on top of an old fence post 

Bird perched on top of an old fence post  

Dickcissel 21 - Spiza americana 

Dickcissel 22 - Spiza americana 

Dickcissel 23 - Spiza americana 

Dickcissel 24 - Spiza americana 

Dickcissel 21

Dickcissel 22

Dickcissel 23

Dickcissel 24 

June 7th, 2020 

June 7th, 2020 

June 7th, 2020

June 7th, 2020

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Western Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Bird singing from top of wooden fence post

Bird singing from top of metal fence post 

Dickcissel profile on top of wooden fence post 

Bird perched on barbed wire 

Dickcissel 25 - Spiza americana 

Dickcissel 26 - Spiza americana 

Dickcissel 27 - Spiza americana 


Dickcissel 25 

Dickcissel 26

Dickcissel 27 


July 7th, 2019 

July 7th, 2019 

July 4th, 2020 


Western Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Western Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 


Profile of Dickcissel on barbed wire fence 

Profile of Dickcissel on weed stem 

Bird perched on top of eastern red cedar


 Click here for the species description page for the Dickcissel.

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Please mail any comments/suggestions/additional links for this page to: Terry L. Sohl