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Downy Woodpecker Photos

Photography by Terry Sohl

My Favorite: How can you not love Downy Woodpeckers? They're such cute little guys, they're ubiquitous, seemingly found in every part of the state with any substantial tree cover, and they're generally not very shy.  From a photographer's perspective I certainly appreciate the latter point! However, because they're such a common sight, and because I have a number of photos of them already, I admit I don't target them for photography when I go out for a day. Nor, do I try to shoot the always present Downy Woodpeckers at my feeders, although many of the early photos below were indeed taken in my yard. Something to work on in the future, as they are such great, photogenic subjects!

My favorite photo is of a male perched on a fallen log amidst the fallen oak leaves in Autumn. It was taken on November 7th, 2007 at the Big Sioux Recreation Area in Brandon, the state park across the street from where we live. I had a wonderful time shooting a number of bird species at the park that fall, as it was a great year for some of the birds that are only around this part of South Dakota in the winter months (Red-breasted Nuthatch, Purple Finches, etc.). A nice profile shot and pose, good soft lighting that lets the details in both the black and white plumage show through, and a great autumn setting.

Downy Woodpecker - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 1 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 2 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 3 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 4 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 1

Downy Woodpecker 2

Downy Woodpecker 3

Downy Woodpecker 4

February 6th, 2006

May 21st, 2006

November 3rd, 2004

November 21st, 2007

Perry Nature Area, South Dakota

Outdoor Campus in Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Brandon, South Dakota

Big Sioux Recreation Area, South Dakota

Both a male and a female on opposite sides of the tree trunk

Female hanging out on the shade side of a tree trunk

Male Downy Woodpecker clinging to lichen-covered tree

Profile of a dapper female perched on side of a tree

Downy Woodpecker 5 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 6 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 7 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 8 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 5

Downy Woodpecker 6

Downy Woodpecker 7

Downy Woodpecker 8

April 11th, 2005

February 16th, 2007

July 20th, 2008

July 20th, 2008

Brandon, South Dakota

Perry Nature Area, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Kingsbury County, South Dakota

Kingsbury County, South Dakota

Male feeding on suet in cavity on dead tree

Profile of a male clinging to bark of a tree

Female hanging out in on a shady tree

Male clinging upside down on a tree brnch

Downy Woodpecker 9 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 10 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 11 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 12 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 9

Downy Woodpecker 10

Downy Woodpecker 11

Downy Woodpecker 12

September 2nd, 2007

November 7th, 2007

November 7th, 2007

November 21st, 2007

Big Sioux Recreation Area, South Dakota

Big Sioux Recreation Area, South Dakota

Big Sioux Recreation Area, South Dakota

Big Sioux Recreation Area, South Dakota

Female (first year?) calling from a curved tree branch

Male perched on fallen log amidst fallen autumn leaves

Male perched on fallen log amidst fallen autumn leaves

Female hugging closely to a tree trunk as a nearby raptor flies through

Downy Woodpecker 13 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 14 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 15 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 16 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 13

Downy Woodpecker 14

Downy Woodpecker 15

Downy Woodpecker 16

March 21st, 2010

May 11th, 2011

May 11th, 2011

February 8th, 2011

Perry Nature Area, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Brandon, South Dakota

Brandon, South Dakota

Big Sioux Recreation Area, South Dakota

Male perched on tree branch with blue sky in the background

Male doing some damage to the trees in my landscaping!

Female grabbing a sunflower seed snack at my feeder

Female doing what Downy Woodpeckers do

Downy Woodpecker 17 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 18 - Picoides pubescens

Downy Woodpecker 17

Downy Woodpecker 18

May 17th, 2013

May 3rd, 2020

Beaver Creek Nature Area near Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Newton Hills State Park, South Dakota

Female still working on her nesting cavity as breeding season approaches

Male in dappled sunshine on a warm spring day

Click here for the species description page for the Downy Woodpecker.

All photos copyrighted!  Click for information on commerical usage, or usage for other personal purposes.

Nature Photography - Done Naturally - Click for info

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Please mail any comments/suggestions/additional links for this page to: Terry L. Sohl