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Horned Grebe Photos

Photography by Terry Sohl

My Favorite: Horned Grebes are a species I see, more than I photograph! Evidently that's the case, given all my photos below are of 2 birds, from 2 different dates. At least I know where to look! Wall Lake in western Minnehaha County, in early April! The first group of photos from 2007 are of a bird that hadn't quite completely reached breeding plumage yet, while those from 2019 are of a bird in full breeding plumage.

Horned Grebe - Aythya collaris

Horned Grebe 1 - Aythya collaris Horned Grebe 2 - Aythya collaris Horned Grebe 3 - Aythya collaris Horned Grebe 4 - Aythya collaris

Horned Grebe 1

April 8th, 2007
Wall Lake, South Dakota

Horned Grebe 2

April 8th, 2007
Wall Lake, South Dakota

Horned Grebe 3

April 8th, 2007
Wall Lake, South Dakota

Horned Grebe 4

April 8th, 2007
Wall Lake, South Dakota
Horned Grebe 5 - Aythya collaris Horned Grebe 6 - Aythya collaris Horned Grebe 7 - Aythya collaris Horned Grebe 8 - Aythya collaris

Horned Grebe 5

April 8th, 2007
Wall Lake, South Dakota

Horned Grebe 6

April 8th, 2007
Wall Lake, South Dakota

Horned Grebe 7

April 8th, 2007
Wall Lake, South Dakota

Horned Grebe 8

April 13th, 2019
Wall Lake, South Dakota
Horned Grebe 9 - Aythya collaris Horned Grebe 10 - Aythya collaris    

Horned Grebe 9

April 13th, 2019
Wall Lake, South Dakota

Horned Grebe 10

April 13th, 2019
Wall Lake, South Dakota

Click here for the species description page for the Horned Grebe.

All photos copyrighted!  Click for information on commerical usage, or usage for other personal purposes.

Nature Photography - Done Naturally - Click for info

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Please mail any comments/suggestions/additional links for this page to: Terry L. Sohl