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White-faced Ibis Photos

Photography by Terry Sohl

My Favorite: It's always a treat to see a White-faced Ibis migrating through my part of southeastern South Dakota. They're the kind of exotic-looking waterbird most people don't associate with South Dakota, but not only do they migrate through my part of the state, the breed in other locations to the north. My favorite photo of the species, however, is this shot of a White-faced Ibis taking flight.  It was taken right after dawn at Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge in Colorado, in June of 2018.  Love the light, wing position, and background with all the cattails.

White-faced Ibis - Plegadis chihi

White-faced Ibis 1 - Plegadis chihi White-faced Ibis 2 - Plegadis chihi White-faced Ibis 3 - Plegadis chihi White-faced Ibis 4 - Plegadis chihi

White-faced Ibis 1

April 25th, 2004

Near Oldham, South Dakota

White-faced Ibis 2

June 20th, 2008

Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, California

White-faced Ibis 3

April 25th, 2004

Near Oldham, South Dakota

White-faced Ibis 4

April 25th, 2004

Near Oldham, South Dakota

White-faced Ibis 5 - Plegadis chihi

White-faced Ibis 6 - Plegadis chihi

White-faced Ibis 7 - Plegadis chihi

White-faced Ibis 8 - Plegadis chihi

White-faced Ibis 5

April 25th, 2004

Near Oldham, South Dakota

White-faced Ibis 6

May 2008

Near Zion National Park, Utah

White-faced Ibis 7

June 20th, 2008

Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, California

White-faced Ibis 8

July 27th, 2009

Antelope Island, Utah

White-faced Ibis 9 - Plegadis chihi

White-faced Ibis 10 - Plegadis chihi

White-faced Ibis 11 - Plegadis chihi

White-faced Ibis 12 - Plegadis chihi

White-faced Ibis 9

July 27th, 2009

Antelope Island, Utah

White-faced Ibis 10

July 27th, 2009

Antelope Island, Utah

White-faced Ibis 11

April 3rd, 2015

Lake Thompson, South Dakota

White-faced Ibis 12

 June 2018

Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge, Colorado

White-faced Ibis 13 - Plegadis chihi

White-faced Ibis 14 - Plegadis chihi

White-faced Ibis 15 - Plegadis chihi

White-faced Ibis 16 - Plegadis chihi

White-faced Ibis 13

 June 2018

Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge, Colorado

White-faced Ibis 14

 April 19th, 2020

Northwestern Minnehaha County, South Dakota

White-faced Ibis 15

 April 19th, 2020

Northwestern Minnehaha County, South Dakota

White-faced Ibis 16

 April 19th, 2020

Northwestern Minnehaha County, South Dakota

White-faced Ibis 17 - Plegadis chihi  White-faced Ibis 18 - Plegadis chihi  White-faced Ibis 19 - Plegadis chihi  White-faced Ibis 20 - Plegadis chihi 

White-faced Ibis 17

 April 19th, 2020

Northwestern Minnehaha County, South Dakota

White-faced Ibis 18

 April 19th, 2020

Northwestern Minnehaha County, South Dakota

White-faced Ibis 19

 April 19th, 2020

Northwestern Minnehaha County, South Dakota

White-faced Ibis 20

 April 19th, 2020

Northwestern Minnehaha County, South Dakota

White-faced Ibis 21 - Plegadis chihi  White-faced Ibis 22 - Plegadis chihi  White-faced Ibis 23 - Plegadis chihi   

White-faced Ibis 21

 April 19th, 2020

Northwestern Minnehaha County, South Dakota

White-faced Ibis 22

 April 19th, 2020

Northwestern Minnehaha County, South Dakota

White-faced Ibis 23

 April 17th, 2017

Western Minnehaha County, South Dakota


Click here for the species description page for the White-faced Ibis

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