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Bell's Vireo Photos

Photography by Terry Sohl

My Favorite: I love these little guys, but don't get to see them all that often. South Dakota is the northern edge of their range, and they're not common in my part of the state. I often do find them when I head west, into the south-central  or central part of the state. Note I say "find' instead of "see", as many times "finding" means I hear them singing from a dense thicket, but the only look I get is a glimpse as one flashes through a gap in the foliage. They're active little things, and tough to photograph even if they do come into the open!  I am thankful to have gotten the photos below, including my favorite here, from July 5th, 2020 at a place just above Oahe Dam. Note many of my Bell's Vireo photos were taken in that same exact location, as they consistently return every summer.

Bell's Vireo - Vireo bellii

Bell's Vireo 1 - Vireo bellii

Bell's Vireo 2 - Vireo bellii

Bell's Vireo 3 - Vireo bellii

Bell's Vireo 4 - Vireo bellii

Bell's Vireo 1

Bell's Vireo 2

Bell's Vireo 3

Bell's Vireo 4

July 29th, 2007

July 29th, 2007

July 29th, 2007

July 5th, 2010

Near Oahe Dam, South Dakota

Near Oahe Dam, South Dakota

Near Oahe Dam, South Dakota

LaCreek National Wildlife Refuge, South Dakota

Scruffy looking bird singing from an open perch on a sunny day

Scruffy looking bird singing from an open perch on a sunny day

Single bird perched on an open perch

Inquisitive vireo responding to a "pishing", perched on a bush

Bell's Vireo 5 - Vireo bellii

Bell's Vireo 6 - Vireo bellii

Bell's Vireo 7 - Vireo bellii

Bell's Vireo 8 - Vireo bellii

Bell's Vireo 5

Bell's Vireo 6

Bell's Vireo 7

Bell's Vireo 8

July 5th, 2010

July 5th, 2010

June 27th, 2015

June 27th, 2015

LaCreek National Wildlife Refuge, South Dakota

LaCreek National Wildlife Refuge, South Dakota

Near Oahe Dam, South Dakota

Near Oahe Dam, South Dakota

Profile of a lone vireo on the edge of a thicket

Singing Bell's Vireo on a bare twig

Partially shaded vireo in its dense bushy habitat

Singing Bell's Vireo on the top of it's bushy thicket home, on a sunny day

Bell's Vireo 9 - Vireo bellii

Bell's Vireo 10 - Vireo bellii

Bell's Vireo 11 - Vireo bellii

Bell's Vireo 12 - Vireo bellii

Bell's Vireo 9

Bell's Vireo 10

Bell's Vireo 11

Bell's Vireo 12

June 27th, 2015

June 27th, 2015

July 5th, 2020

July 5th, 2020

Near Oahe Dam, South Dakota

Near Oahe Dam, South Dakota

Near Oahe Dam, South Dakota

Near Oahe Dam, South Dakota

Singing Bell's Vireo on the top of it's bushy thicket home, on a sunny day

Bell's Vireo on the top of it's bushy thicket home, on a sunny day

Partially concealed bird foraging through a dense bush

Partially shaded bird foraging in its typical bushy habitat

Bell's Vireo 13 - Vireo bellii 




Bell's Vireo 13 




July 5th, 2020 




Near Oahe Dam, South Dakota 




Vireo perched on the edge of a brushy thicket 




Click here for the species description page for the Bell's Vireo

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