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Virginia Rail Photos

Photography by Terry Sohl

My Favorite: Virginia Rails have such a reputation as "skulkers", ghosts of the marsh that are rarely seen. In many ways that's true, as they rarely flush and fly, preferring to run away when disturbed or faced with danger. They are also generally avoid open areas, so it's also pretty darn rare to happen across a Virginia Rail foraging out in the open. However, I've found that 1) they are VERY common in South Dakota, and can be found in most areas of extensive cattail marsh, and 2) sightings are quite possible, given patience. There are so many gravel roads running through the middle of wetlands in South strategy for these guys is to simple pull along side a wetland in my car, open the window, turn off the car, and wait. It doesn't take that long before they forget about you, and start foraging normally in the vegetation.  The photo of the one below was momentarily "caught" in the open, when it noticed the dude with the camera. A quick glance towards a flash of movement from the car, and it scampered back into the cattails.  That moment though was enough for me to capture a nearly unobstructed view of a Virginia Rail, always a nice treat.

Virginia Rail - Rallus limnicola

Virginia Rail 1 - Rallus limicola

Virginia Rail 2 - Rallus limicola

Virginia Rail 3 - Rallus limicola

Virginia Rail 4 - Rallus limicola

Virginia Rail 1 

Virginia Rail 2 

Virginia Rail 3 

Virginia Rail 4 

July 4th, 2006 

July 4th, 2006 

July 4th, 2006 

July 4th, 2006 

Near Tea, South Dakota 

Near Tea, South Dakota 

Near Tea, South Dakota 

Near Tea, South Dakota 

Bird in cattail habiatat

Bird in cattail habitat Closeup of head and upper body Bird in cattail habitat with scattered duckweed

Virginia Rail 5 - Rallus limicola

Virginia Rail 6 - Rallus limicola

Virginia Rail 7 - Rallus limicola

Virginia Rail 8 - Rallus limicola

Virginia Rail 5 

Virginia Rail 6 

Virginia Rail 7 

Virginia Rail 8 

May 27th, 2007 

May 27th, 2007

May 27th, 2007 

May 2nd, 2010 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Lake County, South Dakota 

Profile of bird in shallow wetland habitat 

Closeup profile of head and upper body 

Partially hidden bird, closeup in habitat 

Bird in relative open! In cattail habitat 

Virginia Rail 9 - Rallus limicola 

Virginia Rail 10 - Rallus limicola 

Virginia Rail 11 - Rallus limicola

Virginia Rail 12 - Rallus limicola

Virginia Rail 9 

Virginia Rail 10 

Virginia Rail 11 

Virginia Rail 12 

May 2nd, 2010 

May 3rd, 2015 

May 6th, 2017 

May 6th, 2017

Lake County, South Dakota 

Kingsbury County, South Dakota 

Lincoln County, South Dakota 

 Lincoln County, South Dakota

Virginia Rail in wonderful light, great pose 

Bird hiding in typical wetland habitat 

Partially hidden bird wading in shallow water

Partially hidden bird wading in shallow water 

Virginia Rail 13 - Rallus limicola 

Virginia Rail 14 - Rallus limicola 



Virginia Rail 13 

Virginia Rail 14


May 18th, 2020 

May 4th, 2019 



Lake County, South Dakota 

Minnehaha County, South Dakota 



Rail wading in the open on a sunny day 

Rail in typical cattail habitat, partially hidden 



 Click here for the species description page for the Virginia Rail


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Please mail any comments/suggestions/additional links for this page to: Terry L. Sohl