1. I am Mimus polyglottos. Poluglottos is Greek for "loud-voiced" or "harmonious". If you guess what mimus means, you have a good chance to get this one. |
2. I am Amphispiza quinquestriata, a species with a small geographic range that just crosses into the far southwestern United States. |
3. I am Dolichonyx oryzivorus. Dolichonyx is Greek for "long", while onux is Greek for "claw". Orizivorus in Latin translates to "rice-eating". |
4. I am Egretta caerulea, a species mostly found near the Gulf and Atlantic coasts. |
5. I am Chen caerulescens. Caeruleus is a Latin term for a dark bluish color, although my species also comes in a white color phase. |
6. I am Numenius borealis. Noumenia in Greek refers to "new moon", a term applied to some birds with sickle or crescent-shaped bills. I used to be a very common migrant through the center of the U.S. |
7. I am Picoides albolarvatus. Albus is Latin for "white", while larvatus is Latin for masked. |
8. I am Fratercula cirrhata. Cirratus is Latin for "curly-headed". |
9. I am Melospiza melodia, a widely distributed species that can be found from coast to coast. |
10. I am Cardellina rubrifrons, a species found in the southwestern United States. |
11. I am Mycteria americana. Mycteria comes from the Greek mukter, a word that means "snout". |
12. I am Centrocercus urophasianus. Centrocercus comes from the Greek kentron (point) and kerkos (tail). |
13. I am Passerina versicolor. In the U.S., I am only found in the far southwestern United States near the Mexican border. |
14. I am Pinicola enucleator. Enucleare is Latin for "remove the kernel". |
15. I am Corvus corax. In Greek, krozo, the source of corax, is best translated as "croak". |
16. I am Buteo jamaicensis. All six of these are "Buteo" hawks...which one am I? |
17. I am Porzana carolina. I'm a species than can be difficult to observe. |
18. I am Bubo scandiacus. I am a species sought after by many birders when I am found in the lower 48 states. |
19. I am Amazilia yucatanensis. I breed in the far southern tip of Texas, and , unusually, some of my number disperse northeastward along the Gulf Coast for the winter. |
20. I am Mniotilta varia. I am a rather common migrant in much of the eastern two-thirds of the country, and also breed in parts of the eastern U.S. in summer. |
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