Bird Range Map Quiz
Quiz 1 - Raptors (Medium)
Bird Photos?  Too easy!! How well do you know the life history of bird species?  This quiz simply provides a North American Range map, with one clue.  Your guess what species goes with the range map.  This quiz focuses just on raptors for North America...Hawks, Falcons, Eagles, etc.  Note the legend for the colors on the maps is shown just below.
  1. Identify each bird by clicking on one of the six choices.  The pop-up box will tell you whether you provided a correct identification. If incorrect, the pop-up box will give an additional clue for the species.
  2. It doesn't matter what order you answer the 20 questions.  However, you will only get credit for a correct identification if you answer correctly with your first guess.  You may continue to guess until you find the correct answer, however.
  3. When you've answered all 20 questions, click the bottom button to find your final score.
  4. To start over and try the quiz from scratch, just hit the "reload" button on your browser.

NOTE: Depending upon your browser's security settings, you may get a warning at the top of the screen saying your browser has restricted this webpage from running scripts.  A script is what keeps score for the quiz.  Unless you enable the script for this page, the quiz will not work.  You will also likely need pop-ups enabled for (just) this webpage, as tips and your final score appear in new pop-up windows.


Bird Range Map - Legend

Quiz Map #1

1. I breed in the Arctic, and am only a winter visitor to the lower 48 states.

Quiz Map #2 

2. My very specialized dietary preferences limit where I am found in North America.

 Quiz Map #3

3. I love the wide open spaces of the western United States.

Quiz Map #4 

4. I can often be seen flying low and slow over open habitats as I search for prey.

Quiz Map #5

5. I am related to falcons but am a rather unique species.

 Quiz Map #6
6. Beware, birds of the forest!  I am an expert bird hunter.

Quiz Map #7 

7. My range map needs updating! My populations have greatly rebounded since I was on the endangered species list.

Quiz Map #8 

8. I am much more common in the tropics.  In the United States, there are perhaps only 500 of us.

Quiz Map #9 

9. Thank you for setting up feeders!  You may find me feeding on the birds that come to your feeders.

Quiz Map #10 

10. Breeding populations in the U.S. were largely gone by 1960.  Reintroducation efforts are occuring in Texas and New Mexico.

Bird Range Map - Legend 

Quiz Map #11 

11. Halfway home!  I am one of the best-known and widely distributed raptors in North America.

Quiz Map #12 

12. A denizen of the Arctic, it's a real treat for birders when I'm spotted in the lower 48 states in winter.

Quiz Map #13 

13. I have been expanding my range in recent decades, and am now found in scattered locations across the U.S.

Quiz Map #14 

14. My numbers were once very low, but my populations are starting to recover.

Quiz Map #15 

15. I am Buteo regalis, well-named, as I am the largest of the Buteo hawks.

Quiz Map #16 

16. In the United States, I am only found in far southern Texas, although I can be common there.

Quiz Map #17 

17. Unlike many raptors in North America, I am a long-distance migrant, wintering in South America.

Quiz Map #18

18. I am a common hawk along forest edges in parts of the eastern United States.

Quiz Map #19 

19. I am a very widely distributed species, found on all continents except for Antarctica.

Quiz Map #20 

20. I am just a summer resident in most of the eastern United States.

RATING: 20 Correct --Super Birder!!

16-19 Correct -- All Star

12 - 15 Correct -- Bird Nut

8 - 11 Correct -- Showing Promise!

<7 Correct -- Need some work!!!

Note - All maps created by Terry Sohl, using digital range information from NatureServe.

All Photos copyrighted.  Click below if you have interest in any of these photos for:

Nature Photography - Done Naturally - Click for info

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Please mail any comments/suggestions/additional links for this page to: Terry L. Sohl