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South Dakota Birding"Hotspot"

North Alabama Bend

Location#5 -- Dense Western Forest

As shown on the North Alabama Bend Trail page, I'm not currently aware of any well-maintained trails that intersect what is some areas of very dense forest on the western third of North Alabama Bend. Species such as Whip-poor-wills and Cuckoo species have been identified at North Alabama Bend, and this large expanse of forest looks like prime habitat for those species. I'm also curious about river access in this area, and if there are clear views of the sandbars that are accessible.

For another day!  A great area, one that I've just begun to explore! I will update these "hotspot" pages for North Alabama Bend as I continue to explore it!  Who knows what could be found in this mysterious western forest realm!  Ivory-billed Woodpeckers!  Passenger Pigeons! Cassowaries!  The possibilities are endless!  :-)

North Alabama Bend - Dense Western Forest


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Please mail any comments/suggestions/additional links for this page to: Terry L. Sohl