I recently saw a study that showed 40% of people in the world have never even heard of “climate change”. What’s worse to me than the uninformed? People who have HEARD of climate change, but choose to ignore the science and instead focus on personal belief, religion, politics, or business interests.
As a scientist, there’s little that irks me more than “deniers”. Given that I work on issues that are related to climate change, I particularly have little patience for climate change losers skeptics who choose to get their “science” from Fox News talking heads, politicians or business people with a monetary interest in denying climate change, or other such “reliable” sources. Similar losers skeptics are also obviously out there who seem to feel personally affronted on the WELL established field of evolution. In both cases, these losers skeptics ignore all real empirical evidence, and go with either 1) manufactured and false evidence, or 2) personal or religious belief.
I’m sorry, but if you’re one of these losers skeptics, don’t bother trying to get into any kind of debate out here on my blog. I’m a scientist. I deal with empirical evidence. I deal with reality. It’s foolish to even try to debate someone who is completely uniformed, or even worse, is purposely pushing misinformation as part of a political, religious, or personal agenda.
So, “Doug” and others…If you have something REAL to contribute on a topic, I welcome your input on my blog. FYI, pointing to targeted “skeptic” websites doesn’t count as “real” information. What’s the point of continuing any debate? I can point to empirical evidence and the vast collection of peer-reviewed scientific literature. What’s the point of arguing with someone who provides links to fantasy-land “skeptic” websites with no scientific backing? It’s akin to debating the Big Bang with my two cocker spaniels.
In short, science debates are more than welcome out here. If you’re not going to even attempt to stay grounded in the real world, take your trolling to another blog. You will be blocked here, saving all of us valuable time.