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Lewis's Woodpecker Photos

Photography by Terry Sohl

My Favorite: Yeah. This is it. We have Lewis's Woodpeckers in South Dakota, but unfortunately I live on the wrong side of the state, and it's at least a 5-hour drive to get to somewhere where I might possibly expect to find one. I've seen them in the Black Hills on several occasions, and have seen them elsewhere in our travels in the western US, but I haven't ever had a good photo opportunity. This is all I have...two VERY long distance photos in the western Black Hills of South Dakota from July of 2019.

Lewis's Woodpecker - Melanerpes lewis

Lewis's Woodpecker 1 - Melanerpes lewis Lewis's Woodpecker 2 - Melanerpes lewis    

Lewis's Woodpecker 1

July 13th, 2019

Western Black Hills, South Dakota

Lewis's Woodpecker 2

July 13th, 2019

Western Black Hills, South Dakota


Click here for the species description page for the Lewis's Woodpecker.

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