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Cackling Goose Photos

Photography by Terry Sohl

My Favorite: Cackling Geese weren't named as a distinct species until 2004, and given that Canada Geese are so incredibly numerous, I admit I haven't paid much attention to their smaller cousins. Hence only a couple of pics below, but I do like this flight shot from 2018.

Cackling Goose -  Branta hutchinsii

Cackling Goose 1 - Branta hutchinsii   Cackling Goose 2 - Branta hutchinsii Cackling Goose 3 - Branta hutchinsii   

Cackling Goose 1

Cackling Goose 2

Cackling Goose 3


May 22nd, 2014 

April 14th, 2018

November 8th, 2019 


Anchorage, Alaska 

Western Minnehaha County, South Dakota 

Near Yankton, South Dakota 


Lone bird standing on one leg at shoreline 

Two geese in flight with blue sky background 

Small flock of short-necked little Cackling Geese!! 


Click here for the species description page for the Cackling Goose.

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