Bird Scientific Names Quiz
Quiz 2 - North American Birds (Hard)
Bird Photos?  Too easy!! Bird Range Maps? Too easy!! How well do you know the SCIENTIFIC NAMES of North American bird species?  This quiz provides a scientific name and other clues.  Your guess the bird species.  Even if you don't know Greek or Latin, you can often get a decent clue just by the similarity of the scientific name to a common English term. This quiz covers any bird potentially found in North America.
  1. Identify each bird by clicking on one of the six choices.  The pop-up box will tell you whether you provided a correct identification. If incorrect, the pop-up box will give an additional clue for the species.
  2. It doesn't matter what order you answer the 20 questions.  However, you will only get credit for a correct identification if you answer correctly with your first guess.  You may continue to guess until you find the correct answer, however.
  3. When you've answered all 20 questions, click the bottom button to find your final score.
  4. To start over and try the quiz from scratch, just hit the "reload" button on your browser.

NOTE: Depending upon your browser's security settings, you may get a warning at the top of the screen saying your browser has restricted this webpage from running scripts.  A script is what keeps score for the quiz.  Unless you enable the script for this page, the quiz will not work.  You will also likely need pop-ups enabled for (just) this webpage, as tips and your final score appear in new pop-up windows.



1. I am Mimus polyglottos Poluglottos is Greek for "loud-voiced" or "harmonious".   If you guess what mimus means, you have a good chance to get this one.


2. I am Amphispiza quinquestriata, a species with a small geographic range that just crosses into the far southwestern United States.


3. I am Dolichonyx oryzivorusDolichonyx is Greek for "long", while onux is Greek for "claw".  Orizivorus in Latin translates to "rice-eating".


4. I am Egretta caerulea, a species mostly found near the Gulf and Atlantic coasts.

5. I am Chen caerulescensCaeruleus is a Latin term for a dark bluish color, although my species also comes in a white color phase.

6. I am Numenius borealis.
Noumenia in Greek refers to "new moon", a term applied to some birds with sickle or crescent-shaped bills. I used to be a very common migrant through the center of the U.S.


7. I am Picoides albolarvatus. Albus is Latin for "white", while larvatus is Latin for masked. 


8. I am Fratercula cirrhata. Cirratus is Latin for "curly-headed".


9. I am Melospiza melodia, a widely distributed species that can be found from coast to coast.


10. I am Cardellina rubrifrons, a species found in the southwestern United States


11. I am Mycteria americanaMycteria comes from the Greek mukter, a word that means "snout". 


12. I am Centrocercus urophasianus.  Centrocercus comes from the Greek kentron (point) and kerkos (tail).


13. I am Passerina versicolor. In the U.S., I am only found in the far southwestern United States near the Mexican border. 


14. I am Pinicola enucleator.  Enucleare is Latin for "remove the kernel". 


15. I am Corvus corax. In Greek, krozo, the source of corax, is best translated as "croak".


16. I am Buteo jamaicensis.  All six of these are "Buteo" hawks...which one am I?


17. I am Porzana carolina.  I'm a species than can be difficult to observe.


18. I am Bubo scandiacus.  I am a species sought after by many birders when I am found in the lower 48 states.


19. I am Amazilia yucatanensis.  I breed in the far southern tip of Texas, and , unusually, some of my number disperse northeastward along the Gulf Coast for the winter.


20. I am Mniotilta varia.  I am a rather common migrant in much of the eastern two-thirds of the country, and also breed in parts of the eastern U.S. in summer.

RATING: 20 Correct --Super Birder!!

16-19 Correct -- All Star

12 - 15 Correct -- Bird Nut

8 - 11 Correct -- Showing Promise!

<7 Correct -- Need some work!!!

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Please mail any comments/suggestions/additional links for this page to: Terry L. Sohl